September 3, 2024
Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark has engaged with Terry Hickey of Conach to undertake research into various forms of governance models in use by Geoparks within the Canadian and Global Geopark network and to document best practices in governance. The research also includes the identification of skills and experience that will be needed by the Board as it moves forward with the successful management and growth of the Geopark.
This work is underway and will result in a Findings Report expected the second week of September 2024, that will recommend a Governance Structure for consideration by Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark.
There will be no changes made to our Board representation, or governance practices, until the membership has had an opportunity to review the Findings Report and provide their feedback on the recommended structure.
Once consensus has been reached on the Governance Structure then the process of renewing the Board through recruitment of Board members will proceed.