Expression of Interest 2024
Board of Directors
Working Groups & Committees
To submit an expression of interest please complete our digital form by clicking the link.
We strongly encourage applications to be submitted by November 1st 2024
To learn about the process for expressions of interest
click the link to watch the digital presentation

Findings Reports referenced in the presentation can be accessed here
Board Of Directors Positions
3 Directors: Not-for-Profit Section (situated within the geopark boundaries)
3 Directors: Incorporated Municipalities (situated within the geopark boundaries)
3 Directors: Private Sector (situated within the geopark boundaries)
3 Directors: At-Large
Who can apply?
Discovery is seeking individuals with skills to contribute to the board of directors and/or working groups as well as standing committees. Please scroll down for more information. Applicants from outside the geopark who possess a skill outlined below may submit an expression of interest for possible
At Large positions, Non-Voting board appointments, working groups or committees.
“As we prepare for the next stage of the revalidation process, Discovery Geopark looks forward to strengthening our level of community engagement, enhancing local and provincial Board representation and providing more effective operational guidance to our staff and volunteers.” – Marieke Gow – Interim Chair
If downloading the above document, please note that the dates for expression of interest submissions has been extended to November 1st and the AGM date has been updated to November 13, 2024.
The findings report above provides details regarding terms of references for working groups and standing committees.
Information regarding Bylaw amendments to adopt the proposed board structure were emailed to members in good standing on October 6th 2024.

Terms of Reference Special Nominations Committee for Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark AGM 2024
1. Purpose
The Special Nominations Committee of the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark (hereafter referred to as “the Geopark”) for the 2024 AGM is established to ensure a transparent, fair, and inclusive process for nominating individuals to serve in key leadership, governance, or advisory roles within the Geopark’s management structure. This includes reviewing candidates for positions on the Geopark Board, standing committees, working groups or any other relevant bodies.
2. Scope
The committee’s responsibilities encompass receiving a list of interviewed and profiled candidates (Conach consulting will conduct interviews and compile profiles) and recommending qualified individuals for the following:
- Board of Directors positions
- Standing Committee positions
- Working Group positions
- Special appointments relevant to the functioning and governance of the Geopark
3. Composition
The Nominations Committee shall be composed of three (3) persons:
- The Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Geopark
- An Individual with knowledge and experience related to Not-for-Profit Governance and operations.
- An individual who possesses expertise in areas relevant to the Geopark’s mission (e.g., geology, biodiversity, community engagement, tourism, etc.).
4. Appointment and Tenure
- Committee members shall be appointed by the Geopark Board of Directors for a term of three months.
5. Meetings
- The Nominations Committee shall meet as required or when vacancies arise.
- Decisions will be made by consensus or, if necessary, by a majority vote.
6. Reporting
The Nominations Committee will report directly to the Geopark Board of Directors. The Committee will provide a written reports outlining:
• The rationale for the selection of candidates.
• Any recommendations for improving future nomination processes.
7. Review and Amendments
These Terms shall apply only to the 2024 Ad Hoc Nominations Committee. Future Nomination Committees shall be governed by the full Terms of Reference as detailed in official Board documents.
Discovery and its partner organizations, communities, and individuals are working collaboratively to advance a shared vision. The boundary of Discovery Global Geopark comprises of 27 communities, including seven incorporated municipalities. Formal partnerships are in place in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Discovery Geopark Inc. and various stakeholders. Efforts are currently underway to expand these formal partnerships.
To learn more about getting involved with the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark contact [email protected]