Geopark Management

Discovery Global Geopark is a provincial not-for-profit organization representing many organizations and communities including incorporated municipalities, individuals, support agencies and experts across several disciplines. The grassroots organization supports a collaborative and inclusive approach to encouraging responsible management and empowering communities on the Bonavista Peninsula.

Board of Directors

John Norman, Chair, At Large
Bonavista-Trinity Regional Chamber of Commerce

Marilyn Coles Hayley, Vice-Chair, Not-for-Profit
Tourism Elliston

David Hiscock, Treasurer, Municipal
Town of Bonavista

Shawna Prince, Secretary, Private Sector
Sea of Whales Adventures

Mary Batterton, Director, Municipal
Town of King’s Cove

Morgaine Parnham, Director, Private Sector
Bonavista Living

Edith Samson, Director, Not-for-Profit
Sir William Ford Coaker Heritage Foundation

John Vivian, Director, Hike Discovery
Hike Discovery

Vacant, Director, Not-for-Profit

Vacant, Director, Not-for-Profit

Vacant, Director, Not-for-Profit

In This Section