Geopark Management

Discovery Global Geopark is a provincial not-for-profit organization representing many organizations and communities including incorporated municipalities, individuals, support agencies and experts across several disciplines. The grassroots organization supports a collaborative and inclusive approach to encouraging responsible management and empowering communities on the Bonavista Peninsula.

Mission Statement

Bringing communities together in an inclusive and unified way to preserve,
protect, and honour our distinctive cultural and geoheritage through education and understanding.

4 individuals walk towards the cliffs on Spillars Cove in the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark where icebergs can be seen through the fog.
Spillars Cove

Board of Directors

Representing the Non-Profit Sector:

Donna Butt, Rising Tide Theatre, Trinity

Marieke Gow, Hike Discovery, Regional Organization – Past Chair

Bonnie McGrath, Random Passage, New Bonaventure

Representing the Private Sector:

Shawna Prince, Sea of Whales Adventures, Trinity – Chair

Johnny C.Y. Lam, Photographer, Bonavista – Vice Chair

Representing Incorporated Municipalities:

Terry Stead, Trinity Bay North – Treasurer

Director at Large:

Bonnie Veitch, Route 235 area

There are two at large positions and two municipality positions currently vacant on the board. The current board may appoint individuals to fill these positions. Should you wish to express interest in an appointment, please email

Sonya Chatman – Admin
Emails sent to info@ will be forwarded to the appropriate recipient(s)

Get to Know The Board Board

Shawna Prince:

Shawna Prince, a dedicated scientist and educator, is a vital member of the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark  Board of Directors. Alongside her husband Kris, Shawna owns and operates Sea of Whales Adventures in Trinity, Newfoundland. Their mission is to offer exceptional whale watching experiences, educating passengers about these magnificent creatures, the challenges they face, and the critical research conducted to protect them—all while ensuring respect for whales on their feeding grounds.

Beyond her contributions to DUGG, Shawna’s commitment to heritage, conservation and sustainable tourism is evident in her roles on the Quinton Premises Heritage Trust Board and the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland Board. Shawna’s passion and dedication make her an invaluable advocate for marine education and environmental preservation in Newfoundland & Labrador. 

Shawna currently holds the position of vice Chair on the board of the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark. Her experience in adventure tourism and geo tourism helps to guide our organization to promote the highest standards in marketing and developing sustainable and regenerative tourism practices.  Shawna has a Bachelor and Master degree in Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Education. 

Marieke Gow:

Marieke Gow lives in the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark where her family has owned and operated Artisan Inn & Vacation Homes and Twine Loft Dining in Trinity for over three decades. Marieke’s experience of hosting thousands of global visitors over the years, combined with her passion for adventure travel around the globe, has allowed her to understand that our strength as a region comes from the diversity of communities within it. To Marieke, the UNESCO Geopark designation not only celebrates the many unique features of these communities but also what they have in common: a deep appreciation for land, ocean, and life and a desire to share the histories and sustain the future of all three.

Marieke has spent over a decade volunteering her time to various regional and provincial initiatives, serving on boards and committees including Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland, The Newfoundland Labrador Tourism Board, Hike Discovery, Canada Select, Bonavista-Trinity Regional Chamber of Commerce STAR Committee, Restaurant Association of Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada Select.  Marieke has served as interim chair of the Discovery Geopark since April of 2024. Marieke was awarded Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Champion of the Year Award in 2021. In addition to Marieke’s governance experience, she also brings her studies in Community Development and Intercultural Relations (Marie-Victorin Cégep) and leadership management (Shift People Consulting) to the position.  

Bonnie Mcgrath:

Born and bred in New Bonaventure located on the southern region of the Discovery Global GeoPark, Bonnie managed CWT Harvey’s Travel in Clarenville for 22yrs. While she continues assisting her long time clients with their travel plans on a part time (from home) basis; her current position has her engaging visitors from near and far as a museum interpreter with Provincial Historic Sites. 

On Occasion you will also find her creating alluring window displays in the windows of Trinity Crafts, the quaint little gift shop that she manages.  

She serves as director with the Cape Random Trust and through her involvement with this board she became a Director, now Secretary/Treasurer- Not For Profit Sector with Discovery Global GeoPark 

In her spare time, you’ll find her exploring the beaches of New Bonaventure and surrounding areas or hiking and taking time for her photography passion.

Johnny C.Y. Lam:

Johnny C.Y. Lam (仲賢 Chung Yin) is a Chinese Canadian photographer based in Bonavista, Newfoundland. He is best known for his portraiture, documentary, travel and lifestyle work and is a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail and other publications.

A seasoned visual storyteller with a strong sense of curiosity about the world, Johnny has worked in 3 continents for nearly two decades for various editorial and commercial clients.

He is a Pulitzer grantee and is currently working on a long term project documenting climate change and sea ice adaptation in Nunatsiavut.

When he is not traveling or taking photos, he enjoys cooking, cycling, hiking, fishing and reading photo books at home.

Comprehensive Process of Governance and Operational Renewal. March – November 2024.

Port Union – Murphy’s Cove

“Becoming part of the global Geopark network is a rigorous process and our current board and staff are committed to meeting the requirements of UNESCO. We would like to thank the former Chairs of the Geopark – John Norman and Edith Samson – and a myriad of committed Board members for the dedication they have shown in establishing the organization and bringing it to its current level of development.
As we prepare for the next stage of the revalidation process, Discovery Geopark looks forward to strengthening our level of community engagement, enhancing local and provincial Board representation and providing more effective operational guidance to our staff and volunteers.

Marieke Gow – Interim Chair

The Diagnostic Assessment

In March-May of 2024, Discovery Geopark contracted with Conach to undertake a Diagnostic Assessment of its governance and operations – a high-level view of the structural aspects of the organization that require development and improvement. The Diagnostic Assessment Report was submitted to the Board of Directors and subsequently reviewed with the funding agencies.

The Action Plan

The Action Plan developed as part of the Assessment identified opportunities for improvement in the areas of organizational structure, leadership, communications, employee engagement, team dynamics, risk management and priority setting. The Action Plan also made a series of recommendations on how these changes could be implemented.

After the presentation to the Funding Agencies, the interim board requested a proposal from Conach to implement the recommendations of the Action Plan. It was pointed out that the internal capacity of the organization at the present time did not allow for any additional responsibilities to be assigned to the Board or staff and that the proposal should be based on using external expertise to carry out implementation.

The scope of work associated with implementing the Action Plan within a compressed period is extensive as are the deliverables. Conach believes it has assembled a team that can implement the Action Plan within the proposed time frame of 14 weeks.

➢ Phase 1 – Reconceptualizing the Board
Notice to Members In Good Standing at November 13, 2024 AGM

➢ Phase 2 – Qualifying the Board


➢ Phase 3 – Transitioning the Board

➢ Phase 4 – Enhancing Supports for Operations

➢ Phase 5 – Communication Plan

➢ Phase 6 – Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

➢ Phase 7 – Priority Setting

➢ Phase 8 – Final Report

About Conach Consulting

Based in historic St. John’s Newfoundland, Conach provides services to clients throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Terry Hickey is the owner and operator of Conach and has extensive experience working in the not-for profit sector. Some of the solutions provided by Conach include: • Organizational Capacity Building • Business Process Analysis and Development • Strategic Planning and Facilitation • Program Evaluation Conach has been involved in numerous projects that involve developing and implementing detailed action plans to help clients achieve their goals and objectives. It has done this in a variety of sectors – First Nation, private, public, and not-for-profit. One thing that all these clients have had in common is a desire to improve their circumstances – to move from their current situation to a future where their plans become a reality. Over the course of his consulting career Terry has provided insight and direction to private, public, and not-for profit sectors. This background allows Terry to engage with clients and team members in a creatively strategic and focused way. His diverse portfolio includes C-suite strategic planning as well as creative strategy, business development and growth planning and organizational development. Beyond the boardroom, Terry has extensive experience working with clients in the areas of social investing and change making. It is Terry’s appreciation for entrepreneurs, businesses, community groups and organizations that drive him to provide comprehensive solutions – tailored to achieve success, no matter the organization’s means. Terry has also worked with not-for-profit organizations to help them realize their goals and objectives through the strategic planning process, conducting program and operational evaluations, and facilitating planning and review sessions. Terry’s experiences have helped develop and refine a broad set of skills in facilitation, interpersonal and group communication, organizational analysis, and business planning. Ongoing professional development through workshops with Statistics Canada has enhanced his proficiency in questionnaire and survey design and Terry has completed certification in process analysis and continuous quality improvement.

Terence Hickey – Project Manager and Primary Facilitator:

For over 20 years Terry Hickey has provided insight and direction to private, public, and not-for profit sectors. This background allows Terry to engage with clients and team members in a creative, yet focused way. His diverse portfolio includes C-suite strategic planning as well as creative strategy, business development and growth, social strategy, and program development. Beyond the boardroom, Terry has extensive experience working with clients in the areas of social investing and change making. Its Terry’s appreciation for community groups, people and organizations who want to change and succeed that drives him to provide comprehensive solutions – tailored to achieve success, no matter the organization’s means. As the lead consultant on a range of projects Terry has dedicated his career to refining his analytical and critical thinking skills across diverse competitive landscapes. Terry hold a bachelor’s degree in social work from Memorial University and is Certified in Process Analysis/TQM by the Canadian Hospital Association. He has worked with Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in the youth corrections field, worked with the Miawpukek First Nation as their Director of Health and Social Services and travelled/worked extensively throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic Canada and into Ontario as a consultant.

Kathryn Atkin – Governance Specialist and Researcher

Kathryn Atkin brings a wealth of knowledge in Board Governance to the volunteer and not-for-profit, charitable sector. Kathryn works with charities and not for profit boards who are establishing as well as with Boards who are in crisis or in need of help in moving forward by guiding them through sessions for governance and/or sessions to identify road maps for the future. She is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Avalon Northeast and served as the District Financial Services resource for Rotary International District 7820 (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saint Pierre et Miquelon and the Magdalene Islands of Quebec) for 12 years. She also served as Assistant Governor (three years), District Trainer (two years), District Conference Chair (four times) and District Corporate Secretary for two terms. Kathryn is Past Chair of the Rotary Leadership/Learning Institute, Atlantic Division Atlantique. As a current facilitator with this international institute since 2004, she has facilitated at institutes in the United States and Canada.

Kathryn served as a founding member and Chair of United Way Newfoundland and Labrador and currently serves as a member of the Past Chairs Council and the Community Funding Committee. In addition, Kathryn is currently the Chair of the Board of Connections for Seniors and works with Hopes and Homes for Children International, participating in a hands-on project in Romania in 2007. She is also a Board Member for Growing the Voices. Kathryn has received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, an award honouring significant contributions and achievements by Canadians as well as the United Way of Newfoundland Mark Brown Community Builder Award. Following an extensive career in the health care sector (long term care and community), she held the position of Executive Director of Shallaway Youth Choir during its transitional years. Since retirement she has worked with not-for-profit and charitable organizations across Canada to support their Governance development and education, facilitating focus groups, leading, and developing strategic planning programs, and providing advice to Boards and Executive Directors. Some of these organizations include the Nova Scotia Choral Foundation, Annapolis Valley Honour Choir (continuing commitment), Avalon Dragon Boats, Manuels River Community Inc., Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia Association of Canada (AAMAC), NL Crime Stoppers, First Light, Peter Barry Duff Memorial Park, Bally Haly Golf and Country Club, various Rotary Clubs in Canada and the United States, and Connections for Seniors.

The land we gather on within the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark is Ktaqmkuk, traditional unceded Mi’kmaw territory. We hold in great respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu and Inuit of this province, and the ongoing connections with the past, present and future in our relationships with Indigenous and other peoples in Newfoundland and Labrador.

In This Section